The Third Thumb

The Third Thumb

The Third Thumb is a 3D-printed, flexible thumb extension for the hand, controlled wirelessly by pressure sensors under the toes. Designed by Dani Clode, the project explores how wearable augmentative technology can enhance hand function, allowing people to interact with the physical world in new ways.

By extending grip and dexterity, the Third Thumb helps users manipulate tools, hold multiple objects, and perform tasks that would typically require both hands. Its potential applications span healthcare, assistive technology, manufacturing, and skilled professions—offering support for individuals with limited mobility, or improving precision and efficiency in hands-on work.

Beyond practical use, the Third Thumb raises questions about how technology can extend—not just restore—human ability. As AI and robotics become more integrated into daily life, augmentation is shifting from a tool for compensation to one that enhances capability. Rather than replacing human function, the project demonstrates how technology can adapt us, unlocking new ways to work, create, and interact with the world.

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    Dani Clode Design & Cambridge University
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    A 3D-printed extra thumb that enhances hand function