Rachid Alami

Rachid Alami

 Dr. Rachid Alami is Senior Scientist at LAAS-CNRS. He received an engineer diploma in computer science in 1978 from ENSEEIHT, a Ph.D in Robotics in 1983 from Institut National Polytechnique and an Habilitation HDR in 1996 from Paul Sabatier University. He contributed and took responsibilities in several national, European and international research and/or collaborative projects (ESPRIT: MARTHA, PROMotion, IST FP6 projects: COGNIRON, URUS, PHRIENDS, and FP7 projects: CHRIS, SAPHARI, ARCAS, SPENCER, H2020: MuMMER, France: VAP-RISP for planetary rovers, several ANR projects). 

He is holding since 2019 the Academic Chair on Cognitive and Interactive Robotics at the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI) 

His main research contributions fall in the fields of Robot Decisional and Control Architectures, Task and motion planning, multi-robot cooperation, and human-robot interaction. 

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    Senior Scientist
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6 December 2022
16:00 - 17:30
EST - New York
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PST - Los Angeles
As we witness the shift from individual robots to collectives...

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