Parvathy K. Krishnakumari

Parvathy K. Krishnakumari

Parvathy K. Krishnakumari is a Data Science and Artificial Intelligence practitioner, currently serving as the Chief Technology Officer at Analytics for a Better World (ABW) in Amsterdam. With a proven track record of managing and scaling AI projects, her efforts include overseeing the technology strategy for impact projects, developing strategic data and analytics roadmaps for non-profits, and leading the design and organization of the ABW Academy, which has trained over 150 non-profit data professionals globally since 2022. In addition, Parvathy leads several pivotal projects as a consultant, including the design, development, and deployment of digital public goods such as Data in Climate Resilient Agriculture Platform (DiCRA) & Vayu – Open Data Stack for Air Pollution for UNDP India and Agri-Food Data Lab and (a tool for green, resilient, inclusive, and digital public investment and asset management practices) for the World Bank.

She holds an Engineering Doctorate in Data Science from Eindhoven University (TU/e, The Netherlands), a Master of Technology in Energy Management and Climate Change Technology from Jain University (India), and a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Amrita University (India).

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    Analytics for a Better World (ABW)
  • Profession
    Chief Technology Officer
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