Niels Peter Skov Andersen

Niels Peter Skov Andersen

Mr Niels Peter Skov Andersen is General Manager for the Car-2-Car Communication Consortium and has more than 25 years background in standardization. He is currently the chairman of ETSI TC ITS and has been an active industry expert in the EU C-ITS Deployment platform and EU CCAM platform. Before joining the Car-2-Car Communication Consortium Niels Peter Skov Andersen has long experience in taking new technologies through standardization to operational systems, as well as global coordination of standards. He was an industry participant in standardization of GSM phase 1, part of ETSI project team responsible for GSM phase 2, Chairing the ETSI SMG2 – ETSI’s lead GSM radio group – through the elaboration of GPRS, EDGE and 3G. When the successful global partnership project 3GPP for mobile standardization between ARIB, TTC, TTA, ATIS, CCSA and ETSI was created, Niels Peter Skov Andersen was elected the first chairman of the main plenary – TSG SA a position he held for 6 years. In addition, when the remaining GSM work was transferred to 3GPP, he in addition was elected chairman for the TSG GERAN the group responsible for maintenance and evolution of the GSM based radio network. In addition to this he has been a member of the ETSI Board in the period 2005-2020 and also for a period of 3 years been member of the Board of directors the Open Mobile Alliance. In parallel to his standards engagement Mr Niels Peter Andersen, before joining the Car-2-Car Communication Consortium has held senior position within the Mobile Industry, latest as Vice President of Standards and Technology Strategy at BlackBerry. Before that he was Vice President of Standards at Qualcomm and in the past had senior positions at Motorola and Tele Denmark Mobile (now TDC).

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  • Organization
    Car-2-Car Communication Consortium
  • Profession
    General Manager
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