Marsupial walking-and-flying robot deployment

Marsupial walking-and-flying robot deployment

This unique marsupial robotic system-of-systems combines the capabilities of two distinct robots: a legged robot, courtesy of ANYbotics, and a flying robot that was ingeniously designed and manufactured in-house at our lab at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Our team has seamlessly integrated these two robotic platforms to work cohesively in a marsupial configuration for a research project focused on autonomous system-of-systems exploration and mapping. Leveraging methods we have meticulously developed over several years, this integrated system autonomously navigates and maps unknown environments, demonstrating our lab’s pioneering advancements in robotic exploration. The robotic system exploits the heterogeneous properties of the two systems and the ability to selectively deploy the aerial system from the ground robot.

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  • Organization
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Profession
    Integrated system for autonomous navigation and mapping of unknown environments
  • SDGs
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