Iván Martín Lataix

Iván Martín Lataix

Juan Iván is a dynamic leader in digital transformation with a bachelor’s from ICADE Business School, an MBA from IESE University, and advanced studies at MIT and IMD. With over 20 years of senior experience across global cities like Madrid, Paris, Hanoi, Barcelona, and Geneva, he excels in pioneering innovative solutions and modernizing corporate processes. 

Currently a Digitalisation Specialist at the Skills Branch of the ILO, Juan is passionate about AI and its transformative impact on society, skills, and the future of work. A fervent advocate for education, Juan believes it is the cornerstone of freedom and prosperity. He actively supports NGOs focused on children, immigration, and education. Fluent in Spanish, English, and French, Juan brings a global perspective to his work and advocacy. 

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  • Organization
    International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Profession
    Digitalisation Specialist at the Skills Branch

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