H.E. Ms. Clara Manuela da Luz DELGADO JESUS

H.E. Ms. Clara Manuela da Luz DELGADO JESUS

2021 – Present: Ambassador to Switzerland and Permanent Representative of Cabo Verde to the United Nations and to the WTO


2016 – 2020: Ambassador, Diplomatic Adviser to the President of the Republic of Cabo Verde 


2015 – 2016: Minister Plenipotentiary – Directorate General for Global Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation 


2009 – 2015: Chargé Affairs at the Embassy of Cabo Verde in Luxembourg 


2006 – 2009: Counsellor Directorate General for Foreign Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Communities 


2005 – 2006: Deputy of General Director at the General Directorate of State Protocol – Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cooperation and Communities     


2001 – 2005: 1st Secretary at the Embassy of Cabo Verde in Brussels and the Permanent Mission of Cabo Verde to the EU and to the ACP countries (Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific); Netherlands and Luxembourg; Chargé d ’Affairs a.i to the United Kingdom 


2000/2001: Chargé d ´Affairs a.i. Embassy of Cabo Verde to the Netherlands, The Hague  


1999 – 2001: Consul General of Cabo Verde in Rotterdam, the Netherlands  


1998 – 1999: Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Communities  


1997 – 1998: Advisor to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation   


1994 – 1997: Secretary of Embassy at the Directorate General for International – Ministry of Foreign Affairs  


1994: Joins the Diplomatic Career  


1993: Joins the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Communities 

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  • Organization
    Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cabo Verde to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
  • Profession
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative