Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

Since 2019, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius is Professor of ICT and law at Radboud University.

At Radboud University he is affiliated with the Digital Security Group of the iCIS Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, and with the iHub, the Interdisciplinary Hub for Security, Privacy and Data Governance.

His research interests include privacy, data protection, discrimination, and freedom of expression, especially in the context of new technologies. He often enriches legal research with insights from other disciplines. He has co-operated with, for instance, economists, computer scientists, and communication scholars.

He obtained his research master’s in 2011 at the IViR Institute for Information Law (Amsterdam). He also studied at the University of Hong Kong (2009) and spent a semester at New York University (2012) for research.

After obtaining his doctorate (2014) at the Institute for Information Law, he worked as a researcher. In 2015 he published a book ‘Improving privacy protection in the area of behavioural targeting’, based on his PhD thesis.

In 2018, he worked at the LSTS Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society, at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). He worked there on the basis of an EU Marie Curie grant, to conduct research into the risk of discrimination in the context of machine learning and automated profiling.

He is a member of the Meijers Committee, an independent group of experts in the field of European law. He is also a member of the board of editors of the European Data Protection Law Review, and of the Dutch journals Computerrecht (Computer Law) and the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Mensenrechten (journal of the Dutch Section of the International Commission of Jurists).

He regularly presents at international conferences. He also presented for policymakers, for instance at the Dutch and the European parliaments.

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  • Organization
    Radboud University
  • Profession
    Professor of ICT and Law
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