Daowei Bi

Daowei Bi

Daowei Bi is the Director of the Department of Digitalization Engineering at the Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI).

Mr. BI began his career at SNERDI in 2009 and subsequently held positions with progressively higher responsibility. Between 2015 and 2017, he was on secondment with CAEA, the counterpart of IAEA in China, supporting cooperation with GIF, OECD/NEA and IAEA.

As an enthusiastic proponent of AI for nuclear energy, Mr. BI has been working on the cross-cutting field for more than 10 years. Currently, he is overseeing and coordinating the digitalization transformation efforts at SNERDI.

Mr. BI has been contributing to the international community actively. He was the first expert from China to become project leader in the history of IEC/SC45A. Presently, he is leading IEC SC45A’s first official effort on AI for Nuclear Energy, with the objective to deliver the publication before 2023. He participated in many IAEA projects and meetings, including the IAEA technical meeting on artificial intelligence in October, 2021.

Mr. BI obtained both his bachelor’s and master’s degree of engineering from Tsinghua University. He received IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Andy Chi Best Paper Award in 2011.

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  • Organization
    Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI)
  • Profession
    Director of the Department of Digitalization Engineering
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