Anaïs Couasnon

Anaïs Couasnon

Anaïs Couasnon is a Ph.D. researcher at the Department of Water and Climate Risk of the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) since April 2017. She completed her MSc degree in Hydraulic Engineering at the TU Delft in the Netherlands where she gained advanced knowledge in probabilistic modelling and flood risk. Her MSc thesis focused on characterizing flood hazards in the US with the use of stochastic models (a non-parametric Bayesian Network model) based on openly available data.

Her Ph.D. research is part of a VIDI project that aims to understand and model the compound risk of river and coastal floods in global deltas and estuaries, under the supervision of Dr. Philip Ward and Dr. Hessel Winsemius. Anaïs will use statistical methods and models to assess the probability and impacts of coastal-river compound floods at a global scale.

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    PhD Candidate
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OnlineGOAL 11GOAL 17
16 March 2022
10:00 - 15:45
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Integrating frontier technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI) into existing emergency...

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