Alexandre d’Aspremont

Alexandre d’Aspremont

After dual PhDs from Ecole Polytechnique and Stanford University in optimisation and finance, followed by a postdoc at U.C. Berkeley, Alexandre d’Aspremont joined the faculty at Princeton University as an assistant then associate professor. He returned to Europe in 2011 and is now a research director at CNRS, attached to Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. He received the SIAM Optimization prize, a NSF CAREER award, and an ERC starting grant. He co-founded and is scientific director of the MASH Msc degree at PSL. He also co-founded Kayrros SAS, which focuses on energy markets and earth observation. 

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  • Organization
    CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) & Kayrros
  • Profession
    Research Director, Co-founder
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