Innovate for Impact

The AI for Good Challenge to Meet the SDGs

ITU successfully hosted the Innovate for Impact workshops at both the AI for Good Summit in Geneva in May 2024 and the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai in July 2024, generating positive outcomes and fostering collaboration among a diverse group of stakeholders from the public sector, private sector, academia, and civil society. Top use case authors were invited to present their work at the workshops, while selected AI for Good scholars participated in a panel discussion on the latest AI trends and developments. Additionally, we published the project’s final report, which features 53 use cases across 19 sectors, including agriculture, healthcare, fashion, and natural disaster management. You can access the full report here: AI for Good-Innovate for Impact Final Report 2024 ( 

The top winners from the use cases submitted to AI for Good Innovate for Impact who were awarded in Shanghai 2024 are listed here 

Continuing on the journey to benefit from Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Sustainable Development Goals, ITU’s AI for Good, with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China, invites global participation in the next steps towards advancing AI solutions and integrating AI in multiple use cases. 

There are three ways to be part of our next steps

Submit your new AI use cases

Our current report covers wide range of topics and use cases. However, emerging AI technologies could be integrated to solve new challenges and use cases. Pushing forward on the new technology frontiers, we call for a new set of potential applications, services and use cases to feature at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva on 08-11 July 2025 ( ). The summit serves as a crucial and neutral platform to facilitate knowledge exchange and foster international collaboration. In addition, use cases would be hand-picked and mentored and awarded prizes in July 2025. See section 1 below for details.

Become an AI for Good Scholar

AI for Good Scholars represent the talent from diverse corners of the world, brought together under the umbrella of the AI for Good Global Summit. Continuing our efforts to mentor international partners, we call for applications to the 2025 AI for Good Scholars. AI for Good Scholars would work closely with ITU to develop and analyse the use cases and shepherd them towards featuring them at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva on 08-11 July 2025. AI for Good Scholars would receive funding to attend the AI for Good Summit in Geneva. See section 2 below for details.

Join our Technical Advisory Committee of experts

From the numerous use cases, data and models submitted to us by the participants, selecting and evaluating the best is a rewarding and at the same time challenging task. Our quest for experts who can critically evaluate use cases, data, models, corresponding research and toolsets brings a new call for an evaluation committee of experts. See section 3 below for details.

Submit new use cases, apply to join the elite group of ITU AI for Good Scholars, or join our Technical Advisory Committee of experts as described below.  

If you encounter any issues or have questions, our team is here to assist you at

ITU successfully hosted the Innovate for Impact workshops at both the AI for Good Summit in Geneva in May 2024 and the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai in July 2024, generating positive outcomes and fostering collaboration among a diverse group of stakeholders from the public sector, private sector, academia, and civil society. Top use case authors were invited to present their work at the workshops, while selected AI for Good scholars participated in a panel discussion on the latest AI trends and developments. Additionally, we published the project’s final report, which features 53 use cases across 19 sectors, including agriculture, healthcare, fashion, and natural disaster management. You can access the full report here: AI for Good-Innovate for Impact Final Report 2024 ( 

The top winners from the use cases submitted to AI for Good Innovate for Impact who were awarded in Shanghai 2024 are listed here 

Continuing on the journey to benefit from Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Sustainable Development Goals, ITU’s AI for Good, with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China, invites global participation in the next steps towards advancing AI solutions and integrating AI in multiple use cases. 

There are three ways to be part of our next steps

Submit your new AI use cases

Our current report covers wide range of topics and use cases. However, emerging AI technologies could be integrated to solve new challenges and use cases. Pushing forward on the new technology frontiers, we call for a new set of potential applications, services and use cases to feature at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva on 08-11 July 2025 ( ). The summit serves as a crucial and neutral platform to facilitate knowledge exchange and foster international collaboration. In addition, use cases would be hand-picked and mentored and awarded prizes in July 2025. See section 1 below for details.

Become an AI for Good Scholar

AI for Good Scholars represent the talent from diverse corners of the world, brought together under the umbrella of the AI for Good Global Summit. Continuing our efforts to mentor international partners, we call for applications to the 2025 AI for Good Scholars. AI for Good Scholars would work closely with ITU to develop and analyse the use cases and shepherd them towards featuring them at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva on 08-11 July 2025. AI for Good Scholars would receive funding to attend the AI for Good Summit in Geneva. See section 2 below for details.

Join our Technical Advisory Committee of experts

From the numerous use cases, data and models submitted to us by the participants, selecting and evaluating the best is a rewarding and at the same time challenging task. Our quest for experts who can critically evaluate use cases, data, models, corresponding research and toolsets brings a new call for an evaluation committee of experts. See section 3 below for details.

Submit new use cases, apply to join the elite group of ITU AI for Good Scholars, or join our Technical Advisory Committee of experts as described below.  

If you encounter any issues or have questions, our team is here to assist you at


All calls are free of charge and open to individuals and organizations coming from a country that is a member of ITU.
We encourage submissions from a broad spectrum of participants, which include, but are not limited to:
Academia and Research Entities
Policymakers and Government Bodies
NGOs and Civil Organizations
Individual Innovators
Gender balance and regional balance will be considered.

Submit new AI use cases

10 Dec 2024 – 15 Feb 2025 

Feb 2025 to April 2025 

June 2025 

8-11 July 2025 

Submission period

Use cases review and Evaluation process

Use cases report published

Workshop and awards

Submit new AI use cases

10 Dec 2024 – 15 Feb 2025 

Submission period

Feb 2025 to April 2025 

Use cases review and Evaluation process

June 2025 

Use cases report published

8-11 July 2025

Workshop and awards

Submit innovative use cases towards achieving the SDGs and stand a chance to win AI for Good Prizes. Selected use cases would have the opportunity to present at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva in 2025.  

Instructions: Please refer to 2024 report here: AI for Good-Innovate for Impact Final Report 2024 for example use cases

See Annex A.1 to find how to win AI for Good Prizes while submitting use cases. Watch this website for exciting prizes to be announced soon.

Innovative AI use cases Evaluation Criteria

Participants whose use cases closely align with the objectives of AI for Good and score well on the evaluation criteria below, will be notified.


Clarity and completeness: are all the questions completely answered? Is all the information to evaluate the use case available from the response?


Is the link to the SDGs correctly justified?


Would AI in this use case accelerate the achievement of SDGs?


Is future work clearly outlined and is the proposal aligned with ITU’s scope?


Is the sequence diagram clear? Does it map to ITU Standards and have the potential to evolve into ITU Standards?

Submission Categories

The submission categories include AI applications in areas impacting the various SDGs. Examples of such areas are:  

Healthcare: AI applications in diagnostics, personalized medicine, patient care, and medical imaging analysis.
Finance: AI usage in fraud detection, risk assessment, algorithmic trading, and customer service.
Manufacturing: AI-driven predictive maintenance, process optimization, supply chain management, and robotics.
Automotive: AI in autonomous vehicles, predictive maintenance, safety features, and navigation systems.
Future networks: AI applications in future networks including IMT-2020 (5G) and IMT-2030 (6G).
Other Industries: AI applications in sectors beyond the above categories (e.g., agriculture, education, energy).


    • * Questions are mandatory to answer

    • Please complete one use case form per use case.

    • If you have more than one use case to report, fill out separate forms for each use case.

    Data Source: Is there existing data related to the use case? If yes, is it public? the artwork is relevant for

    Sequence Diagram: please draw a simple sequence diagram for the use case and upload it as XML here (you may use tools such as or any tool which will export the sequence diagram as XML format)

    If applicable, use relevant notations from ITU’s standard “Architectural framework for machine learning in future networks including IMT-2020” (ITU-T Y.3172, freely available):

    A machine learning pipeline, as described in Y.3172, is set of logical nodes, each with specific functionalities, that can be combined to form a machine learning application. These nodes are:

    • SRC (source): This node is the source of data that can be used as input to the ML pipeline.

    • C (collector): This node is responsible for collecting data from one or more SRC nodes.

    • PP (preprocessor): This node is responsible for cleaning data, aggregating data or performing any other preprocessing needed.

    • M (model): This is a machine learning model

    • P (policy): This node enables the application of policies to the output of the model node.

    • D (distributor): This node is responsible for identifying the SINK(s) and distributing the output of the M node.

    • SINK: This node is the target of the ML output on which it takes action.

    Annex A.1 Submit new AI use cases: Detailed Submission Guidelines: 

    A.1.1 How to submit? 

    Use the form given here to submit. Only online submissions are accepted. 

    Future Steps: 

    Once the submission period comes to a close, our panel of experts will rigorously evaluate the use case submissions. Participants whose use cases closely align with the objectives of the AI for Good project and scores well on the evaluation criteria below, will be notified and their use cases would be potentially featured at the AI for Good Global Summit.  

    Moreover, selected use cases may benefit from further support in the form of seed resources, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities. Final prize winners will be announced and honoured at an award ceremony in July 2025. 

    Evaluation criteria: 

    • 10% Clarity and completeness: are all the questions completely answered? Is all the information to evaluate the use case available from the response? 
    • 10% Is the link to the SDGs correctly justified?  
    • 30% Is AI in this use case to accelerate the achievement of SDGs? 
    • 20% Is the use case new, innovative and futuristic, applying the latest AI techniques to solve SDG related problems?  
    • 30% Is the design diagram clear? Does it map to ITU Standards and have the potential to develop into ITU Standards? 

    A.1.2 How to engage with this initiative: 

    To become a part of this transformative project, follow these steps: 

    1. Visit the AI for Good submission portal to share your use case
    2. Engage with our community through webinars, discussions, workshops, and collaborative platforms./li>
    3. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter for updates and opportunities.

    A.1.3 IPR Matters: 

    By participating, you agree to grant ITU/MIIT non-exclusive, royalty-free rights to use your submission for any purpose related to the AI for Good project. Submissions should not infringe upon third-party rights and must comply with applicable laws and regulations. 

    A.1.4 Sample Submissions 

    Please refer to the 2024 Report from ITU AIforGood Innovate for Impact initiative here

    NOTE: Call for AI use cases, call for AI for Good Scholars and the call for experts are independent calls. It is left to the submitter whether to apply for one or more calls.


    Browse frequently asked questions

    Contact Us

    Need assistance or have questions? Get in touch!

    Submit your application to the call for AI for Good Scholars

    The role of Scholars in the overall Innovate for Impact Initiative in 2024 is mentioned in the key outcomes here. We renew the call for AI for Good Scholars Program, aimed at nurturing aspiring talent dedicated to leveraging AI for the attainment of the SDGs.

    10 Dec 2024 – 15 Feb 2025 

    Feb 2025 

    Feb Apr 2025

    June 2025 

    July 2025 

    September 2025 

    Submission period

    Notification of selected scholars

    Work with ITU to analyse use cases submitted 

    Report preparation and demos

    AI for Good Summit

    AI Conference

    As an AI for Good Scholar, you have an opportunity to work closely with ITU to develop and analyse use cases for AI and shepherd them towards featuring them at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva. You would also receive funding to attend the AI for Good Summit in Geneva.  

    See Annex A.2 to find how to become an AI for Good Scholar. Visit our AI for Good Prizes portal to learn more about how we acknowledge and incentivize the AI for Good Scholars. 

    Submit your application to the call for AI for Good Scholars

    The role of Scholars in the overall Innovate for Impact Initiative in 2024 is mentioned in the key outcomes here. We renew the call for AI for Good Scholars Program, aimed at nurturing aspiring talent dedicated to leveraging AI for the attainment of the SDGs.

    10 Dec 2024 – 15 Feb 2025 

    Submission period

    Feb 2025 

    Notification of selected scholars

    Feb Apr 2025 

    Work with ITU to analyse use cases submitted

    May – June 2025 

    Report preparation and demos

    July 2025 

    AI for Good Summit

    September 2025 

    September 2025 

    As an AI for Good Scholar, you have an opportunity to work closely with ITU to develop and analyse use cases for AI and shepherd them towards featuring them at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva. You would also receive funding to attend the AI for Good Summit in Geneva.  

    See Annex A.2 to find how to become an AI for Good Scholar. Visit our AI for Good Prizes portal to learn more about how we acknowledge and incentivize the AI for Good Scholars. 


      * Questions are mandatory to answer

      Please complete one case form per case.  

      If you have more than one case to report, fill out separate forms for each case. 

      Annex A.2 – Submit applications to the call for AI for Good Scholars. Detailed Application Guidelines:

      A.2.1 How to apply?

      Use the form given here to submit. We accept only online submissions.

      A.2.2 Detailed Submission Guidelines:

      Academic Qualifications:
      • Applicants can range from students to seasoned researchers or engineers. It is recommended that applicants come from STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
      • Applicants should have demonstrated excellence in academic performance, research, and – for students – relevant coursework.
      Interests and dedication to SDGs:
      • The applicant should have a strong awareness and interest in leveraging AI for the attainment of the UN SDGs.
      • They should be able to articulate their interests and demonstrate how their studies, research or work aligns with specific SDGs.
      • The applicant should have a dedicated commitment to addressing global challenges and contributing to the achievement of the SDGs through the application of AI.
      Collaboration and Partnership:
      • The applicant should indicate a project, ability and willingness to collaborate with different stakeholders, including researchers, organizations, and communities, around the world, to advance the use of AI for the SDGs.
      Communication Skills:
      • Effective communication skills , in one of the UN languages, both written and verbal, are important, as the AI for Good Scholars will be expected to convey their analysis and findings and collaborate with a diverse range of individuals and organizations.
      Recommendation Letter:
      • The letter of recommendation provided by a faculty, professional mentor, or advisor, should provide a comprehensive and compelling rationale for why the applicant is an excellent candidate for the AI for Good Scholars program.

      AI for Good-Innovate for Impact

      A Final Report


      1 (1)

      Submit your application to ITU Technical Advisory Committee of experts

      We introduce the call for ITU Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of experts, aimed at guiding, selecting and mentoring the Innovate for Impact use cases and Scholars. We welcome well-known experts in the field of AI, SDGs, and domain experts, with experience in evaluating submissions to conference or papers and interest in solving problems using AI to join our TAC.  

      10 Dec 2024 – 15 Feb 2025 

      Feb 2025 

      Feb Apr 2025

      June 2025 

      July 2025 

      Submission period

      Notification of selected experts

      Work with ITU to select and mentor use cases and scholars

      Awards selection

      Awards distribution during AI for Good Summit

      As a TAC expert, you have an opportunity to select the use cases which will be featured at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva as well as the Scholars who would work on the use cases.  You would also receive funding to attend the AI for Good Summit in Geneva.

      See Annex A.3 to find how to join our TAC.  

      Submit your application to ITU Technical Advisory Committee of experts

      We introduce the call for ITU Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of experts, aimed at guiding, selecting and mentoring the Innovate for Impact use cases and Scholars. We welcome well-known experts in the field of AI, SDGs, and domain experts, with experience in evaluating submissions to conference or papers and interest in solving problems using AI to join our TAC.  

      10 Dec 2024 – 15 Feb 2025 

      Submission period

      Feb 2025 

      Notification of selected TAC experts

      Feb Apr 2025 

      Work with ITU to select and mentor use cases and scholars

      June 2025 

      Awards selection

      July 2025 

      Awards distribution during AI for Good Summit

      As a TAC expert, you have an opportunity to select the use cases which will be featured at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva as well as the Scholars who would work on the use cases.  You would also receive funding to attend the AI for Good Summit in Geneva.

      See Annex A.3 to find how to join our TAC.  


        * Questions are mandatory to answer

        Please complete one case form per case.  

        If you have more than one case to report, fill out separate forms for each case. 

        Annex A.3 – Submit applications to the call for Technical Advisory Committee. Detailed Application Guidelines:

        A.3.1 Responsibilities of the TAC:

        Evaluation of Submissions:
        • Review and evaluate use case submissions based on the ITU criteria such as clarity, alignment with SDGs, innovation, and potential for further development into ITU standards.
        • Provide detailed feedback to applicants, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
        Selection and Mentorship:
        • Identify promising use cases and scholars that align with the initiative’s objectives.
        • Mentor selected scholars, offering guidance in developing their projects to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and innovation.
        Awards Selection:
        • Participate in the awards selection process by assessing and evaluating the progress and impact of various projects.
        • Work collaboratively with ITU to recognize outstanding contributions at the AI for Good Global Summit 2025.
        Standards Development:
        • Ensure that selected use cases have the potential to develop into ITU standards, promoting the integration of AI in alignment with international standards.
        • Guide the technical development process and support scholars in aligning their work with ITU’s goals and standards.
        Engagement and Networking:
        • Actively participate in webinars, workshops, and discussions to provide thought leadership and support for the initiative.
        • Facilitate connections between scholars, experts, and industry leaders to foster collaboration and growth.for Good Scholars program.

        A.3.2 Working Methods of the TAC:

        Collaborative Evaluation:
        • TAC members work collectively to evaluate each submission, leveraging their diverse expertise to ensure a thorough and balanced review process.
        • Online discussions and workshops are held regularly to standardize the evaluation criteria and align on scoring methods.
        Mentorship Program:
        • TAC experts are assigned specific scholars or projects based on their expertise, providing one-on-one mentorship and support.
        • Progress is monitored through scheduled e-meetings, and TAC members provide feedback and guidance throughout the project development phase.
        Workshops and Webinars:
        • ITU encourages TAC members to participate in online and in-person events to provide technical support, share best practices, and engage with the AI for Good community. 
        • These events serve as a platform for TAC experts to exchange knowledge, discuss emerging AI technologies, and explore solutions to global challenges. 
        Standards Alignment and Development:
        • TAC members work closely with ITU to ensure that selected use cases align with and have the potential to develop into ITU standards.
        • The committee collaborates to draft technical documents and guidelines that scholars can use to align their projects with international standards.
        Ongoing Communication:
        • TAC members stay connected through a dedicated communication platform to collaborate effectively and stay updated on project progress.
        • Regular discussions and updates are conducted to ensure the smooth execution of responsibilities and to address any challenges that the scholars may face.

        The TAC experts, through these structured methods and responsibilities, aim to promote innovation, mentor young scholars, and contribute to the advancement of AI technologies aligned with the SDGs at a global level.

        A.3.3 How to apply?

        Use the form given here to submit. We accept only online submissions.

        A.3.4 Detailed Submission Guidelines:

        Academic or Professional Qualifications:
        • Applicants can include seasoned researchers or engineers. You should be well-published and known expert in the field of AI or specific domains of SDGs such as education, agriculture, disaster management, etc.
        • Applicants should have demonstrated excellence in academic performance, research and publications. Applicants may be senior professionals in the industry, startups, academia or public sector.
        Interests and dedication to SDGs:
        • The applicant should have a strong awareness and interest in leveraging AI for the attainment of the UN SDGs.
        • They should be able to articulate their interests and demonstrate how their studies, research or work aligns with specific SDGs.
        • The applicant should have a dedicated commitment to addressing global challenges and contributing to the achievement of the SDGs through the application of AI.
        Collaboration and Partnership:
        • The applicant should indicate an ability and willingness to collaborate with different stakeholders, including global researchers, organizations, and communities to advance the use of AI for the SDGs.
        Communication Skills:
        • Effective communication skills, in regional and any of the UN languages, both written and verbal, are important, as the AI for Good Scholars will be expected to convey their analysis and findings and collaborate with a diverse range of individuals and organizations.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        Submitting use cases to AI for Good can bring several benefits, such as:

        • Visibility: Your use case can be featured and highlighted at the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva. This provides an opportunity to showcase your work to a global audience of experts, policymakers, and stakeholders.
        • Collaboration: By submitting your use cases, you can foster collaboration with AI for Good Scholars, ITU, and other organizations that are dedicated to leveraging AI for the SDGs. This collaboration can help further develop and analyse the use cases, leading to valuable insights and real-world impact.
        • Contribution to SDGs: AI for Good aims to address the UN SDGs. By submitting use cases, you can actively contribute to achieving these goals and work towards creating a positive impact on society, the environment, and the economy.
        • Prizes: if selected, your use case could win mentoring, prizes and resources. The prize categories will be announced in May 2025.

        An array of exciting incentives awaits you.

        Applying for the AI for Good Scholar program can have various benefits, including:

        • Recognition: The selected individual will have the opportunity to be recognized as a dedicated and talented scholar in the field of AI and sustainable development. This recognition can help enhance their professional reputation and open doors to further opportunities.
        • Networking: AI for Good Scholars get the chance to work closely with ITU and other scholars who share a common interest in leveraging AI for the SDGs. This provides a valuable networking platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and future partnerships.
        • Access to Resources: Scholars selected for the program may gain access to res