Third meeting of the ITU/FAO Focus Group on “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture” (FG-AI4A) and Workshop on “Digital Agriculture at Scale: Sustainable Food Systems with IoT and AI”, Seongnam, Korea

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  • Date
    25 August 2022
    09:00 - 18:00 KST (Seongnam, Korea)
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    The third meeting of the ITU-T Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture (FG-AI4A) will be held in Seongnam, Korea (Republic of), from 25 to 26 August 2022 respectively, which is kindly hosted by the National Radio Research Agency (RRA), Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea. The meeting will be preceded by the Workshop on “Digital Agriculture at Scale: Sustainable Food Systems with IoT and AI” that will take place on 24 August 2022, at the same venue.

    The main objective of the third meeting of FG-AI4A is to review incoming use case proposals on leveraging AI, IoT and other frontier technologies to improve agricultural production processes and advance on the existing deliverables. The meeting also aims to discuss the nominations received to lead the current Topic Groups and Working Groups respectively.

    Participation in FG-AI4A is free of charge and open to all individual experts and organizations from all sectors and relevant disciplines, including but not limited to artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), Internet of Things (IoT), agricultural sciences, and other related areas of digital agriculture – to share knowledge, best practices and lessons learned in the field.

    Key deadlines for contributions to FG-AI4A meeting:

    25 July 2022
    • Pre-registration (online via the FG-AI4A homepage)
    • Submit requests for visa support letters (Additional details and documentation needed for visa processing, if any, will be provided in the logistics document for the meeting that will be made available on the FG-AI4A homepage)
    10 August 2022

    More details about the third FG-AI4A meeting objectives, including logistics information can be found in the Circular letter 22 and on the Focus Group homepage:

    We look forward to your participation in this important meeting.

    Please feel free to contact Mythili Menon, Advisor, should you need any additional information.

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