Next generation cybersecure platforms, enabling the democratization of advanced manufacturing

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  • Date
    16 October 2023
    11:00 - 12:30
    90 minutes (including 30 minutes networking)
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    It has been said that having a good idea is not nearly as important to success as having a good business plan. There is some truth to this statement. However, regardless of the idea or business plan, if one cannot rapidly scale a product to mass production in a cost effective manner, the ability to make an impact on society or to launch a successful product is substantially jeopardized at best. This talk presents some of the technical concepts and business models that will enable new technologies and capabilities in the manufacturing sector to be rapidly deployed throughout the industrial base. Insight will be presented into next generation resilient hyper-connected production operations and business models that favor local and point of assembly manufacturing. Such operations will leverage readily available tools such as ChatGPT to advance manufacturing capabilities in a global manner.


    The talk will conclude with a discussion of how rapidly advancing technical innovations such as AR/VR and AI/ML will be propagated throughout the manufacturing enterprise via flexible cloud/fog operations, ensuring a state-of-the-art manufacturing economy. This will provide opportunities for businesses of all sizes and democratize advanced manufacturing technologies. Such capabilities will enable rapid scaling of new concepts and products into manufacturing operations, enabling industry to innovate at the speed of thought.


    This live event includes a 30-minute networking event hosted on the AI for Good Neural Network. This is your opportunity to ask questions, interact with the panelists and participants and build connections with the AI for Good community.

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