How Estonia builds the next generation e-government with AI use cases

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  • Date
    10 November 2020
    14:00 - 15:30
    90 minutes
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    Estonia is an undoubted leader in digital governance and has launched an ambitious AI strategy to transform e-governance. As part of its ambitions, Estonia has the goal of making public services radically easier to use and more accessible, while creating a completely seamless and proactive citizen-centric government. To achieve this, Estonia has the goal of implementing at least 50 AI use cases by 2020. Some of the use cases involve a citizen virtual assistant #KrattAI to provide public services through voice-based interaction. During his keynote, Government Chief Data Officer Ott Velsberg presents how far along the Estonian government is with its plan, what its greatest successes been thus far – and what hasn’t worked.”

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