AI/ML Challenge Finale: Radio Resource Management for 6G and Multi-user scheduling in massive MIMO

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  • Date
    8 November 2024
    15:00 - 16:15 CET Geneva
    75 minutes
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    The ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge in 2024 (Fifth edition) offers a platform for collaboratively addressing the problems in applying AI/ML in communication networks including 5G & 6G. The Challenge connects participants (students and professionals) from more than 100 countries, with industry and academia solving real-world problems using AI/ML in communication networks. The challenge is offering several problem statement in 2024. Some of these problem statements include: 

    • Radio Resource Management (RRM) for 6G in-X Subnetworks 
    • Optimal Multi-user scheduling in massive MIMO mobile channels 

    Participants are tasked with producing machine learning models to solve the multi-user beamforming scheduling problem and machine learning-based solutions that can find the optimized policy for sub-band allocation and power control for a dense in-factory network. 

    Join our webinar for presentations by the top teams from these competitions. Stay tuned till the end, where we’ll be announcing and celebrating the winners for their excellent contributions.  

    Cash Prizes: The ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge has set up prize pools of different sizes to reward outstanding teams totaling to 2,000 CHF. Each problem statement will receive 1,000 CHF or 1,000 USD to be split amongst winning solutions. 

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