A workforce transformed: jobs and skills in the age of AI

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A workforce transformed: jobs and skills in the age of AI

PwC’s new Global AI Jobs Barometer, which analyses more than half a billion job adverts across 15 countries, sheds light on how AI is already transforming the world of work, and how it’s affecting wages, productivity and more. Please join our lunch event, where we will present the findings of the report and the implications for business and society. The presentation will be followed by roundtable discussions among participants.

This is what you can expect at the lunch:

· 12:30 – 13:00: short presentation of our AI Jobs Barometer insights, with high-level takeaways for policymakers, businesses and workers.

· 13:00 – 14:00: guided discussion in roundtable setting, giving you the opportunity to exchange ideas on the topic and network.

You can see the AI Jobs Barometer full report here.

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