GOAL 13: Climate Action

Powering Positive Change: Winning solutions from the 2023 tinyML Challenge Finale 
/ Artificial Intelligence, Education, Energy, Environment & Climate change, Food, Health, Innovation & Creativity, Machine Learning, Smart Cities

Powering Positive Change: Winning solutions from the 2023 tinyML Challenge Finale 

In a dynamic convergence of minds at AI for Good, the 2023 tinyML Challenge Finale showed how collaborative innovation can ...
Crowdsourcing AI Solutions for Climate Change: AI-Startup Winners at COP28
/ Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Environment & Climate change, Innovation & Creativity, Innovation Factory

Crowdsourcing AI Solutions for Climate Change: AI-Startup Winners at COP28

By Haore Hadi, Junior Communications Officer The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, ...
How ITU powers AI action for good
/ Artificial Intelligence, Environment & Climate change, Global Summit, Health, Inclusivity, Innovation & Creativity

How ITU powers AI action for good

By Seizo Onoe, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU  Six months from now, innovators dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI) will reconnect ...
Crowdsourced innovation for climate change at COP28
/ Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Environment & Climate change, Inclusivity, Innovation & Creativity, Innovation Factory

Crowdsourced innovation for climate change at COP28

By Thomas Basikolo, Programme Officer, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU As countries worldwide grapple with climate change, scientists and innovators are ...
Harnessing AI's potential for a greener tomorrow: Insights from ITU's AI for Good series
/ Artificial Intelligence, Environment & Climate change, Innovation & Creativity

Harnessing AI’s potential for a greener tomorrow: Insights from ITU’s AI for Good series

As the world gears up for COP28, a critical reflection on the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and environmental sustainability ...
A constellation of ITU GeoAI Challenge Finales are ready to launch
/ Artificial Intelligence, Disaster Management, Energy, Environment & Climate change, GeoAI, Health, Inclusivity, Innovation & Creativity

A constellation of ITU GeoAI Challenge Finales are ready to launch

In a series of exciting live finales, the ITU GeoAI Challenge is set to award winning solutions using artificial intelligence ...
Inspired by nature: harnessing animal locomotion for robotic innovation and sustainable development
/ Artificial Intelligence, Environment & Climate change, Innovation & Creativity, Justice & Strong Institutions, Robotics for Good, Smart Cities

Inspired by nature: harnessing animal locomotion for robotic innovation and sustainable development

By Xiaoran Tang The interplay between bio-robotics and animal locomotion has opened doors to a plethora of innovations. By focusing ...
AI-Driven Solutions for Climate Disasters provided by Zindi and ITU at AI for Good
/ Artificial Intelligence, Environment & Climate change, Health, Innovation & Creativity, Smart Cities

AI-Driven Solutions for Climate Disasters provided by Zindi and ITU at AI for Good

Data scientists are developing prediction models on the Zindi platform to find the best data-driven solutions through data science competitions ...

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