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8 March: Symposium on the Future Networked Car within the Geneva Motor Show

The Symposium on the Future Networked Car within the 88th Geneva International Motor Show, 8 March 2018, will bring together the automotive and ICT industries to explore advances in the field of connected, automated driving and associated implications for business, technology and regulation. The Symposium is convened by ITU and UNECE.

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The Symposium on the Future Networked Car within the 88th Geneva International Motor Show, 8 March 2018, will bring together the automotive and ICT industries to explore advances in the field of connected, automated driving and associated implications for business, technology and regulation.

The Symposium is convened by ITU and UNECE. Participation is free of charge and open to all. Register here…

An executive roundtable hosting representatives of the automotive and ICT industries will discuss the state of the art in connected, automated driving as well as the business, technology and regulatory parameters governing transport innovation.

The technical sessions to follow the roundtable will focus on the importance of 5G systems to automotive innovation; cybersecurity and data protection; and the role to be played by artificial intelligence and machine learning in future transport systems.

Participants will also debate the modes of collaboration with the greatest potential to lead to the agreement of a cohesive set of technical standards for connected vehicles and intelligent transport systems.

The symposium is kindly supported by DEKRA (Silver sponsor) and Qualcomm (Bronze sponsor).

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Jean Todt, President of FIA and UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety
  • Jason Ellis, Director, Business Development, Qualcomm Technologies
  • James Colgate, Strategy Director, Williams Grand Prix Engineering Limited
  • Jacques Bonifay, CEO, Transatel & Head of EU MVNO Association, Belgium
  • Stefano Sorrentino, Chair, 5GAA/WG2, Ericsson, Sweden
  • Johannes Springer, Program Lead, 5G automotive program, T-systems, Deutsche Telekom Group, Germany
  • Roger C. Lanctot, Associate Director, Global Automotive Practice, Strategy Analytics, US
  • Russell Shields, Chair, Ygomi LLC, US

The Symposium will be followed by a meeting of the Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards at ITU Headquarters, 9 March 2018, an open international platform to advance the development of a globally harmonized set of ITS communication standards. The 174th session of the UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) is scheduled for 13-18 March 2018.

For more information, visit the event’s webpage.

Learn more about the status and future of connected, automated driving from the wrap-up video of the 2017 Symposium on the Future Networked Car.

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