H.E. Dr. Makara Khov

H.E. Dr. Makara Khov

Dr. Makara KHOV is currently serves as secretary of state at the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications of Cambodia (MPTC). He also serves as Chairman of trustee board of Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), Vice-Chairman of Capacity Building Research and Development Fund (CBRD), Vice-Chairman of Universal Service Obligation Fund (USO), Member trustee board of Techo Startup Center (TSC).
He received respectively, Engineer Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Master and Ph.D Degree in Automation and Decisional Computing from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT). He has worked as lecturer, researcher, Chairman of Trustee Board of Telecom Cambodia (TC), policy maker in the field of telecommunication and ICT.

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  • Organization
    Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Cambodia
  • Profession
    Secretary of state
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