Tim Mullen

Tim Mullen

Dr. Tim Mullen is a neuroscientist and entrepreneur with nearly two decades of service at the forefront of neuroscience innovation. His scientific research has contributed to understanding the computational role of brain network dynamics in cognition, brain health, and conscious experience, and in pioneering the use of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) in everyday life. Additionally, he has been a key contributor in developing and disseminating widely utilized open-source projects for neuroscientific discovery, such as EEGLAB, LSL, and SIFT, and in shaping emerging IEEE and ANSI neurotechnology standards.


Dr. Mullen is a founder of several pioneering neurotechnology companies, including Intheon, creator of the first platform for “anytime, anywhere” BCI and neurodata analytics, and Sanmai, developing innovative non-invasive mental health treatments using focused ultrasound. He actively advises organizations across industry, investment, and government sectors. Additionally, he contributes to shaping ethical standards and practices in neurotechnology and is a member of the BrainMind-OECD Neuroethics Advisory Committee.


As a lifelong musician and a new media artist, Tim Mullen engages in creative endeavors that bridge emerging technology and art and blur boundaries between mental and physical worlds. His interactive installations and performances, exhibited over the past two decades in North America and Europe, have explored themes of interpersonal resonance, emotional communication, ecopsychology and nature connectedness, causality and emergence in complex systems, and the concept of “audience as performer.” He is a Board Member with leading classical arts non-profit Mainly Mozart in San Diego and the founding director of its annual festival, “Mozart & the Mind,” which explores the impact of music on our brains, health, and lives.


Dr. Mullen is an alumnus of UC Berkeley and UC San Diego, where he was a Glushko, San Diego, and Swartz Fellow and recipient of the UCSD Chancellor’s Dissertation Medal for outstanding doctoral research.

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