Sneh Vaswani

Sneh Vaswani

As Miko’s CEO, Sneh steers Miko’s vision for transforming the technology and learning landscapes. In addition to leading a global team of engineers, psychologists, designers and mathematicians from the U.S and India, he oversees a thriving global sales footprint in over 140 countries with a channel of more than 350+ partners. Sneh’s past experience includes developing path-breaking healthcare innovation for a leading multinational corporation.  

Prior to Miko, Sneh had also lead multidisciplinary teams to victory at robotics competitions around the globe. The B.Tech and M.Tech graduate from IIT Bombay draws this passion from robotics as he focusses on Miko’s next growth phase, and has been recipient of several awards/recognitions. 

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    Co-Founder and CEO
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