Li Tian

Li Tian

Dr. Li Tian is currently the Head of Standards Strategy Department of ZTE Corporation. He is actively involved in various global standardization organizations including 3GPP, ITU, IEEE. His research interests are in the field of 5G and beyond radio access technology, and his team contributed significantly to advanced technologies like AI/ML, future networks, video coding, automobile electronics, network security, etc. He is the first author of a book and contributed to multiple book chapters, with over 50 academic papers published and over 50 patents held globally. Li served as the co-chair of IWCMC2020 workshop and keynote chair of WCNC2021, he has delivered multiple keynotes in various academic and industrial events, and he also served as the rapporteur for several 3GPP work items.

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    Head of Standards Strategy Department
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OnlineGOAL 17GOAL 9
12 September 2022
09:00 - 11:00
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
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