The now and future of using artificial intelligence for human resources

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  • Date
    30 November 2020
    16:00 - 17:00
    60 minutes
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    2021 will see Human Resource team members called upon to go beyond using artificial intelligence to automate routine tasks to addressing the more vital issue of how to optimize the combination of humans and machines as they become the new blended workforce.

    The intervention will focus on:
    – Share the macros trends impacting the future of work and how this is accelerating the use of artificial intelligence within the workplace;
    – Review research on how artificial intelligence is currently being used across the employee life cycle;
    – Discuss three business use cases of how artificial intelligence is used across three industry sectors: travel, manufacturing and healthcare and the business results achieved from the implementation;
    – Present HR Job Roles of the Future acknowledging the growing importance of humans working side by side with machines as profiled in the Harvard Business Review article, 21 HR Jobs of the Future.

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