Stephanie Camarena

Stephanie Camarena

Stephanie Camarena is the founder of Source Transitions where she helps businesses and organisations detect, shape, and deliver differentiated perspectives on sustainability. She partners with clients to design transformative solutions with artificial intelligence for sustainability impact, and ensure they are delivered in a fair and ethically responsible manner. Stephanie is also on the board of several startups where she helps guide product and service development towards sustainable transitions impact.

Stephanie’s doctoral research at RMIT in Melbourne Australia leverages artificial intelligence with a human-centered focus to transition food systems. Practical outcomes of her research influenced institutional food programmes, digital agriculture research, farmers’ markets, systems thinking, interaction design, and design innovation. Finally, Stephanie volunteers with the Banksia Foundation where she is a domain-expert judge for sustainability awards, co-chairs the committee on farmlands and grasslands in the IEEE Planet Positive 2030 design framework and is a Responsible AI practitioner within the Australian CSIRO AI ecosystem.

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