Tansu Alpcan

Tansu Alpcan

Tansu Alpcan received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2006. His research interests include applications of game, optimisation, and control theories, and machine learning to security and resource allocation problems in communications, smart grid, and Internet-of-Things. He chaired or was an Associate Editor, TPC chair, or TPC member of several prestigious IEEE workshops, conferences, and journals. Tansu Alpcan is the (co-)author of more than 150 journal and conference articles as well as the book “Network Security: A Decision and Game Theoretic Approach” published by Cambridge University Press (CUP) in 2011. He co-edited the book “Mechanisms and Games for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation” published by CUP in 2014. He has worked as a senior research scientist in Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin, Germany (2006-2009), and as Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessur) in Technical University Berlin (2009-2011). He is currently with the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Melbourne as a Professor and Reader.

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  • Organization
    University of Melbourne
  • Profession
    Professor, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
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