Stavroula Katsoula

Stavroula Katsoula

Stavroula is Strategy & Impact Manager for the Global Esports Federation, working on ways esports can serve as the intersection of technology and gaming to make positive impact to the world.

She is an experienced professional in sports business with a bachelor’s in Marketing, and an MBA in Management and Sports Business.

She has worked for numerous global sports events and international sports federations in Marketing, CSR and event legacy.

Currently at the Global Esports Federation she is working on esports’ transformative impact on society, equality, education and career opportunities.

She actively supports that esports is not just a game, but a game changer, and can be the means to advocate and facilitate societal change and positive impact for the future generations.

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  • Organization
    Global Esports Federation (GEF)
  • Profession
    Manager, Strategy & Impact

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