

ReHandyBot is a table-top robotic device that was developed at the Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory (RELab) of ETH Zurich for assessment and therapy of hand function after neurological impairment. ReHandyBot has two active degrees of freedom that allow training of grasping (i.e., flexion-extension of the fingers) and pronosupination of the forearm. A virtual reality interface displays objects to interact with, in the context of engaging exercises, while their mechanical properties are rendered through instrumented finger pads held and manipulated by the users. With ReHandyBot, the RELab is investigating how to accurately assess sensorimotor hand impairment at the level of the hand, and how to use this information to tailor a long-term sensorimotor and cognitive therapy program to the needs of patients after neurological impairment. Thanks to its intuitive user interface, such device could be used independently by the patients to complement conventional hand therapy and increase therapy dose in different environments (e.g., in the hospital early after lesion, at home after discharge). 

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  • Organization
    ETH Zurich - RELab
  • Profession
    Robotic device for assessment and therapy of hand function
  • SDGs

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