Luka Omladic

Luka Omladic

PhD in philosophy, lecturer and researcher at Philosophy Department, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Dr. Omladič is a full member of the UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) since 2012. He has served as Rapporteur of the Commission from 2014-2015. He is currently the Coordinator of the COMEST Working Group preparing the Commission’s report on Robotics Ethics. He was also one of the co-writers of the Commission’s previous report on climate change ethics, and has presented the report on behalf of UNESCO during a side-event at the COP-21 climate conference in Paris. He has also served as a part of a 3-member jury for the UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science in 2015. He is now actively involved in drafting the robotic ethics report, and has participated in several scientific meetings organized by UNESCO with collaborating research institutions in Paris, France and Quebec City, Canada. The robotics ethics report now places strong emphasis on the ethical questions regarding autonomous machines and AI, with COMEST considering the ethics of AI being a possible topic of its next report.
Living in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dr. Omladič is currently teaching classes on practical ethics, bioethics and environmental ethics at the University of Ljubljana. He was the president of Slovenian Philosophical Society. He is a prolific public educator on the topics of ethics of technology and environmental ethics, and he writes regular op-ed column for the main national newspaper.

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  • Organization
    University of Ljubljana
  • Profession
    Lecturer and researcher at Philosophy Department
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