Cristina Badulescu

Cristina Badulescu

Cristina Badulescu works for Ericsson Group under the Research Area Network Architecture and Protocols. In the role of standardization project manager, she is managing and driving Ericsson standardization activities related to network automation that are done in several standards organizations. Cristina joined Ericsson in 1998 and has been a standardization delegate in various industry standardization bodies representing Ericsson since 2007.  She worked with several mobile technologies, applications enablers and IMS, service and network exposure, network automation, management, orchestration, as well as cloud technologies. She has held several Chairperson/Vice-chair positions and rapporteurships in various standardization organizations since 2008, the last one being a Vice-chair of ETSI NFV ISG between 2017-2022.

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    NEMO Standards Project Manager

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