Benjamin Combes

Benjamin Combes

Senior economist at the frontier of global innovation and sustainability, working with senior executives across the technology space to harness AI and emerging tech to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing people and our planet.

– Leadership roles: senior appointments spanning business, government, and academia.
– Core skills: strategy, policy, economics, and technology
– Domains: climate change and net zero, energy and environment, transport and mobility, development, and finance.
– Interests: macro drivers, structural change, disruptive innovation, transformation, and enabling environments.
– Primary stakeholders: International organisations, big tech firms, global companies, and national governments.

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  • Organization
    PwC UK
  • Profession
    Innovation and Sustainability, Assistant Director
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9 December 2020
14:00 - 16:00
Annik Magerholm Fet ( Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Annik Magerholm Fet (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Benjamin Combes (PwC UK)...

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