Aparna Taneja

Aparna Taneja

Aparna Taneja is a researcher at the Multi Agents Systems for Social Impact team in Google Research India. She collaborates with several NGO’s and academic partners in the fields of public health and conservation and her primary focus is collaboration with ARMMAN, an NGO focused on improving maternal and child health outcomes in underserved communities in India. She has published in top-tier conferences in AI, with best paper awards at IJCAI, AI for Good track, MLPH (Neurips) and Innovative Applications of AI Award (IAAI). Aparna joined Google in 2015 and worked with the Google Maps team in Zurich to improve search quality for Maps.


She received her PhD in Computer Science at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Marc Pollefeys. She then pursued a postdoc at Disney Research Zurich. She received her Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science from IIT Delhi in 2006.

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  • Organization
    Google Research India
  • Profession
    Researcher, Multi Agents Systems for Social Impact team
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