Amine Metani

Amine Metani

Amine Metani is the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and co-founder of Kurage, a company that has developed Neuroskin, an AI-powered neuromuscular electrostimulation device that is transforming the field of acquired neuromotor handicap rehabilitation. With a wealth of expertise, he brings an interdisciplinary background rooted in biomedical engineering: holding a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Université de Lyon, an engineering degree in Applied Mathematics from École Centrale de Lyon (2008), and a PhD in Biophysics from École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (2012).

Before creating Kurage, Amine was engaged in various research endeavors, including the development of air decontamination devices and the study of airborne fungal spore dynamics. These efforts aimed to mitigate the risk of hospital-acquired infections for immunocompromised patients in intensive care units. In 2015, he shifted his focus to neurological rehabilitation following a bike accident involving his former mentor, Dr. Vance Bergeron, which resulted in tetraplegia. Together, they pioneered advanced neurorehabilitation devices and therapies, leveraging an interdisciplinary approach and establishing international collaborations. Their work has resulted in several patents and the establishment of Kurage. Additionally, they co-founded ANTS (Advanced Neurorehabilitation Therapies & Sports), a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and supporting research initiatives aimed at advancing neurorehabilitation technologies and making them accessible to a broader audience.

Amine’s career reflects a profound commitment to driving societal change by bridging the gap between academic research and entrepreneurship. His efforts aim to enhance the quality of life for individuals with neurological impairments through innovative technologies and solutions.

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    Co-founder & CSO

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