From 5G to 6G: The key challenges to overcome

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  • Date
    6 May 2022
    14:00 - 15:30 CEST, Geneva
    90 minutes (incl. 30 minutes networking)
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    As communication networks evolve, we are rapidly approaching the theoretical limits for wireless data transmission set by Shannon’s Law. 5G networks are improving data rates by providing more spectrum and enhancing the spectral efficiency, for example through the use of Massive MIMO systems. These mechanisms along with network densification allow 5G networks to push real-world data rates closer to theoretical Shannon capacity. The evolution towards Beyond-5G (B5G) and 6G networks must balance the expected explosive growth of data traffic, the integration of sensor services with real-time analytics (network as a sensor), and massive network densification with the demand for global sustainability and fairness.

    This AI for Good talk discusses the need to address technical challenges and introduces the “6G Research and Innovation Cluster” (6G-RIC), which is undertaking an ambitious and comprehensive interdisciplinary research program to address the challenges associated with B5G and 6G.  

    In particular, the need for profound reduction of energy consumption in B5G and 6G as an advisable economic goal, but also of particular social importance. Similarly, security will play a critical role in social acceptance, but also in averting economic harm. Finally, artificial intelligence (AI) will be one of the key technology drivers for B5G and 6G. While AI undeniably has great potential, it does not come at zero cost. The gains achieved through AI must be put in relation to the corresponding effort and resources required. Join the discussion on why we need to approach the transition from 5G to 6G in a holistic manner and consider AI as an integral part of the overall system towards “integrated AI.” 

    This live event includes a 30-minute networking event hosted on the AI for Good Neural Network. This is your opportunity to ask questions, interact with the panelists and participants and build connections with the AI for Good community.

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