Kees Vissers

Kees Vissers

Kees Vissers graduated from Delft University in the Netherlands. He worked at Philips Research in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, for many years. The work included Digital Video system design, HW –SW co-design, VLIW processor design, and dedicated video processors. He was a visiting industrial fellow at Carnegie Mellon University, where he worked on early High-Level Synthesis tools. He was a visiting industrial fellow at UC Berkeley where he worked on several models of computation and dataflow computing. He was a director of architecture at Trimedia and CTO at Chameleon Systems. For close to two decades he is heading a team of researchers at Xilinx, including a significant part of the Xilinx European Laboratories. The research topics include next-generation programming environments for processors and FPGA fabric, high-performance video systems, machine learning applications and architectures, wireless applications, and datacenter applications. He has been instrumental in the High-Level Synthesis technology and Adaptive Intelligent Engines, AIEs.

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    Xilinx Research
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14 December 2021
13:30 - 15:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the dominant technology of the...

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