Stephan Rasp

Stephan Rasp

Stephan is a Research Scientist at Google Research based in Munich, Germany. There he works on improving weather prediction using machine learning. He completed his PhD in Meteorology in 2019 at LMU Munich with a focus on stochastic parameterizations and also applying machine learning to climate model parameterizations, cloud classification and post-processing.  After that he joined TTU Munichas a postdoc, where he worked on the first iteration of WeatherBench. In 2020, he joined the climate intelligence startup ClimateAi as lead data scientist, where he focused on making weather and climate information actionable for end users. He joined Google Research in 2022.

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  • Organization
    Google Research
  • Profession
    Research Scientist
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OnlineGOAL 13
29 November 2023
17:00 - 18:15
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
In 1950, weather prediction became numerical. This first revolution has...