Marie McGraw

Marie McGraw

Marie McGraw is an atmospheric scientist studying weather and climate variability, extreme weather, and climate change. Currently, Marie is part of the National Science Foundation’s AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography (AI2ES) as well as a member of the Tropical Cyclone Research Group at CIRA. Her current projects include machine learning forecasts of tropical cyclone intensity and tropical cyclogenesis, using machine learning to understand tropical cyclone structure and intensification, and uncertainty quantification in machine learning for earth sciences. Past research projects have included using idealized and fully-coupled climate models, weather forecast models, and reanalysis products to study topics such as extreme sea ice loss on day-to-day timescales, links between Arctic and midlatitude weather and climate, jet stream variability and climate change, and large-scale circulation impacts of volcanic eruptions. In addition to studying the atmosphere and the climate, Marie is also interested in the statistical and analytical tools scientists use to study and explore our wealth of measurements and data. 

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  • Organization
    Colorado State University
  • Profession
    Research Scientist I, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
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