Annie Kritcher

Annie Kritcher

Dr. Annie Kritcher was the lead designer for the fusion energy target gain >1 and ignition experiments, which achieved these milestones for the first time in a laboratory. She is also a member of the Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) leadership team. Annie completed her BS from the University of Michigan Nuclear Engineering department, and MS and PhD from the University of California Berkeley. Following her PhD she was awarded the Lawrence postdoctoral fellow at LLNL, joined the scientific staff at LLNL in 2012, and was named American Physical Society (APS) fellow in 2022. Annie was also the designer for a campaign to measure the equation of state of materials to hundreds of Mbars and the conditions of white dwarf stars, which was published in Nature. Annie has served as the chair of the Strategic Initiative and Exploratory Research High Energy Density Science LDRD technical review committee, the Lawrence Fellow selection committee, Dynamic Compression Sector proposal selection committee, LCLS MEC peer review panel, and various other committees. 

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    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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31 May 2023
17:00 - 18:30 CEST Geneva | 08:00-09:30 PDT, New York | 23:00-00:30 CST, Beijing
Annie Kritcher (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Jim Gaffney (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Diakhère Gueye (IAEA)

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