Ahram Moon

Ahram Moon

Ahram Moon is an associate fellow researcher at the KOREA INFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (KISDI). She has been studying social issues and policies related to information communication technology and telecommunication market competition in Korea since she joined KISDI. She has been engaged in government projects about ethical Artificial Intelligence and researches on the evidence-based policy of intelligent information society such as building the panel data of intelligent information users. She currently focuses on research about trustworthy AI, labor market in the intelligent information society, and policies for users in the algorithmic society based on scientific evidence and data.

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  • Organization
    Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI)
  • Profession
    Associate Fellow at Center for AI & Social Policy
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OnlineGOAL 9
2 December 2021
08:00 - 9:40
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
While Artificial intelligence (hereinafter AI) technology is rapidly spreading and...