AI for Good stories

Last call to enter the ITU Challenge on AI and Machine Learning in 5G

Hundreds of competitors from over 50 countries have entered the ITU Challenge on AI and Machine Learning in 5G to showcase their talent, test their concepts on real data and real-world problems, and compete for global recognition. Competitors are meeting new partners in the ITU community – and gaining access to new tools and data resources – to achieve goals set out by problem statements contributed by industry and academia in Brazil, China, India, Ireland, Japan, Spain, Turkey and the U.S.

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Hundreds of competitors from over 50 countries have entered the ITU Challenge on AI and Machine Learning in 5G to showcase their talent, test their concepts on real data and real-world problems, and compete for global recognition.

Competitors are meeting new partners in the ITU community – and gaining access to new tools and data resources – to achieve goals set out by problem statements contributed by industry and academia in Brazil, China, India, Ireland, Japan, Spain, Turkey and the U.S.

The Grand Challenge Finale, an online conference in December 2020, will demo outstanding solutions and decide the overall winners of the Challenge.

< Enter the Challenge by 21 August 2020 >

Select your challenge

The Challenge welcomes students and professionals, competing as individuals or teams.

Each problem statement forms a unique challenge – ‘problem owners’ define the challenge, offer supporting tools and data resources, and highlight their evaluation criteria for proposed solutions.

Need guidance on solving the problems?

AI for Good’ webinars with the problem owners are connecting competitors with mentors and leading experts in the application domains targeted by the problem statements.

Competitors also benefit from new ITU standards addressing the integration of AI and Machine Learning into 5G and future networks (ITU Y.3172Y.3173 and Y.3174).

Join the official Slack channel to receive the latest updates on the Challenge.

Four technical tracks

The Challenge addresses problem statements in four technical tracks.

1. A Network Track challenges entrants to build and train AI and Machine Learning models capable of supporting 5G networking functions.
2. An Enablers Track calls for innovations enabling networks to take full advantage of AI and Machine Learning models and their outputs.
3. A Verticals Tracks asks how 5G-enabled applications in vertical markets such as automotive and healthcare could benefit from AI and Machine Learning capabilities.
4. A Social Good Track invites innovations capable of accelerating progress towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The Challenge is sponsored by Cisco Systems and ZTE; and supported by promotional partners Linux Foundation, NGMN and SGInnovate.

The regional hosts for the Challenge are Universidade Federal do Pará (Brazil); Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance and ADLIK/ZTE (China); Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (India); Letterkenny Institute of Technology (Ireland); RISING (Japan); Barcelona Neural Net-working Center and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain); Turkcell (Turkey); and North Carolina State University (U.S.).

AI ML in 5G challenge