AI for Good Global Summit

2023 Programme

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    Leader Pass Reception & Dinner - Wed, 5 July (19:30)
    Invitation only - get your Leader Pass
    Leader Pass Reception & Dinner - Wed, 5 July (19:30)
    Invitation only - get your Leader Pass


    07:30 - 09:00 CEST Geneva

    AI inspired art, music and film presented in registration area and a warm welcome from Pepper the Robot, GoBe Robot, Aliengo, B1 and Go1. Discover cutting edge AI solutions from tech firms, start-ups, academics, and UN agencies and over 50 robotics demos in the exhibit area.


    08:15-09:00 CEST Geneva
    08:15-08:30 CEST Geneva

    Industrial robots and service robots require diverse manipulation skills. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the research challenges to teach new skills to these robots. It includes the development of intuitive interfaces to program the robots, the development of mathematical representations that can exploit the structure and geometry to represent robot movements, and the development of control techniques that can adapt to new situations and that can exploit task variations and perception uncertainties.

    • Culture
      Innovation & Creativity
      Environment & Climate Change

    Setting the goals and shaping opportunities to identify high-potential AI solutions and generate AI for Good problem-solving opportunities to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

    9:00 - 10:45 CEST Geneva
    09:00 - 09:15 CEST Geneva

    Internationally acclaimed A.I. artist Harry Yeff uses AI to question the limit of his own voice, an opponent like duet and mentorship that pushes to new-voice and expression. Already among the best beatboxers in the world, Yeff’s lines of pursuit training with machines have pushed his capabilities into realms that truly begin to sound un-, non-, or posthuman. 'Machine Inspired Voice' is an ongoing research exploring multiple AI driven processes to develop new articulations, phraseologies, and compositions in human voice expression and true A.I. partnership.

    09:35 - 10:15 CEST Geneva

    In this keynote, Dr. Werner Vogels will shed light on global applications of AI, through the lens of UN SDGs relating to climate, hunger and health. Dr. Vogels will share perspectives on the data and hardware underpinning today's AI technologies, and the benefits of democratized access. With a focus on the Global South and impact-native organizations, the talk will cut through the noise surrounding recent advances to look at the positive impact AI is making right now on society and environment. Acknowledging the need for continued stewardship and responsibility, Dr. Vogels will encourage increasing co-operation between government, industry, and enterprise. The keynote will end with a call-to-action for the audience - first find the data, then design the AI approach.

    • Food
      Environment & Climate change
      Robotics for Good
      Digital Economy

    Connect with AI innovators and problem owners via the Robotics for Good Stage, SDG Stage, Discovery Networking Zone, and Leader Lounge Talks.

    10:45-11:30 CEST Geneva


    10:45-11:30 CEST Geneva
    10:50 - 11:05 CEST Geneva

    As the effects of climate, conflict and economic shifts ripple across the world, there is a global hunger crisis. This session will focus on how cutting-edge AI applications help in emergency settings, but also enable farmers to access services thanks to AI.

    11:10 - 11:25 CEST Geneva

    UNEP presents the potential of AI to keep the environment under review and empower citizens and governments to act and respond to environmental risks, assess the current local and global situation of the environment, and predict future developments


    10:45-11:30 CEST Geneva
    11:10-11:25 CEST Geneva

    Environmental sciences rely heavily on accurate, timely and complete data sets which are often collected manually at significant risks and costs. Robotics and mobile sensor networks can collect data more effectively and with higher spatial-temporal resolution compared to manual methods while benefiting from expanded operational envelopes and added data collection capabilities. In future, robotics and AI will be an indispensable tool for data collection in complex environments, enabling the digitalisation of forests, lakes, off-shore energy systems, cities and the polar environment. However, such future robot solutions will need to operate more flexibly, robustly and efficiently than they do today. This talk will present how animal-inspired robot design methods can integrate adaptive morphologies, functional materials and energy-efficient locomotion principles to enable this new class of environmental robotics. The talk will also include application examples, such as flying robots that can place sensors in forests, aerial-aquatic drones for autonomous water sampling, drones for aerial construction and repair, and impact-resilient drones for safe operations in underground and tunnel systems.


    10:45-11:30 CEST Geneva
    10:50 - 11:30 CEST Geneva

    Professors Sarah Hammer (Wharton School, U Penn) and Philipp Hacker (ENS, European University Viadrina) will discuss the future of AI and AI regulation with a specific focus on generative AI, trustworthiness and sustainability. The session will feature interactive elements based on the following schedule:

    • 5 min input statement Sarah Hammer: "The Future of AI:  Lessons from AI for Good."
    • 5 min input statement Philipp Hacker: “The Future of Generative AI Regulation: from Trustworthiness to Sustainability”
    • Then open discussion with audience


    10:50-11:25 CEST Geneva
    10:50 - 11:25 CEST Geneva

    Immerse yourself in an audio-visual adventure, traversing the rich history and future of AI in classical music and beyond. This session features diverse art-examples of automated music, including ancient automata musicians, and taps into the artistic journeys of David Cope and the AI-infused Beethoven X, leading up to visual story tellling by the AI-artist duo Cross Lucid and OPER AI, the first record label, showcasing exclusively music and artists created via Artificial Intelligence.Hosted by musician Jovanka v. Wilsdorf along with Sophia the robot, this musical journey delivers a fusion of original music and videos from renowned artists, exploring the magic of human-AI musical collaboration.


    10:45-11:30 CEST Geneva
    Get your Leader Pass
    10:50 - 11:05 CEST Geneva

    Achieving healthy and thriving communities is one of the global challenges facing our modern society. We are experiencing a rise in health conditions affecting people around the world with some of these conditions exacerbated by climate change, and its effect on major natural events, such as floods and bushfires. In addition, systemic social issues of inequality and disadvantage, pose a threat to the development of countries and communities globally. Creative and transformative responses are needed to address these issues and secure healthy, safe and inclusive communities locally, nationally and internationally.

    The Monash Data Futures Institute fosters transnational, interdisciplinary collaborations in the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science for good, bringing together leading cross-disciplinary expertise, international partnerships and one of the largest cohorts of AI and data science researchers in the Asia-Pacific.

    In this talk, Prof Batstone will discuss flagship research in AI for Good led by the Monash Data Futures Institute, tackling global health and enabling the creation of thriving communities in Australia.

    11:10-11:25 CEST Geneva

    In this presentation, we will explore the vital role of AI in driving and enabling digital transformation. With the great significance of digital transformation in today's business landscape, we will start by looking at the core concepts and drivers behind this transformative journey. Next, we will delve into why and how AI becomes the key to unlocking the full potential of digital transformation. We will discuss how AI empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions, enhance operational efficiency and productivity for verticals, and facilitate SDG goals at certain extent. We will also share our own practices to show how we integrate AI in our digital transformation endeavors.

    • Space
      Environment & Climate change
      Robotics for Good
    11:30-11:50 CEST Geneva

    In this engaging talk, Moriba Jah will delve into the emerging field of machine-based detection, tracking, and monitoring of satellite operators in orbital space. With a primary focus on Privateer's innovative application, the International Telecommunication Union Compliance Assessment Monitor (ITU-CAM), this presentation aims to shed light on the assessment of compliance and non-compliance of satellite operators with ITU regulations.

    The talk aims to inspire a collective understanding of the need for advanced technological solutions in monitoring satellite operators' compliance with ITU regulations. By embracing data-driven approaches and fostering collaboration, the global community can work towards a safer and more sustainable space environment.

    11:50 - 12:10 CEST Geneva

    The integration of AI, networks of sensors and the data they produce hold the promise of transforming humanity’s relationship to, and governance of the planet. An age of unprecedented transparency and agility, in areas like climate, nature, food systems, trade and security, among many other areas, present new pathways toward more sustainable, accountable and inclusive futures. In this session, Planet’s Chief Impact Officer will explore some early “downpayments” on these planetary AI futures, and how we might ethically steward their emergence

    12:10 - 12:30 CEST Geneva

    NASA robots on Mars are achieving unprecedented results driven by systematic advances in autonomous capability. We’re at the cusp of launching a rocket from Mars with international collaboration. As the frontier expands there is likely to be sustained robotic presence on the Moon and Mars. This talk will highlight some of the opportunities and challenges for AI in space

    • Metaverse
      Environment & Climate Change
      Robotics for Good


    12:30 - 14:00 CEST Geneva
    12:35 - 12:50 CEST Geneva

    A lot of small holder farmers are struggling with the direct effects of climate change to their activities. Secondly, they are unable to access climate data or to generate value off this data, that will equip their farming activities and allow them to respond to various climate effects. The AI Centre of Excellence proposes a solution that supports small scale farmers by generating insights on the agriculture ecosystem, climate monitoring and the real-time effects of climate conditions on agriculture and the possible recommendations.

    13:15 - 13:30 CEST Geneva

    An educational non-profit - primarily led by youth leaders from low-income communities - will share the results of several 6-month pilots in which students and teachers in under-served public school districts were trained on how to create new “immersive and experiential” tools for learning in Virtual Reality, incorporating CHAT-GPT. Also an update on the “Metaverse for SDGs Global Prize & VR Competition” supported by the ITU with examples of youth team creations from Africa, Guatemala, Indonesia, the U.S. and Canada.

    13:30 - 13:45 CEST Geneva

    Technology and innovation serve as a great global equalizer for those within the neurodivergent and autistic communities. Advances in AI aim to make the daily routine easier while also paving new ways of management, monitoring and diagnosis. It is an enormous growth area that addresses several of the United Nations's Sustainable Development Goals including Reducing Inequalities, Good Health and Well-Being, and Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.


    12:30 - 14:00 CEST Geneva
    12:55-13:10 CEST Geneva

    Nadine, the first robot to remember facts and emotions and having worked in insurances and elderly homes.

    13:45 - 13:55 CEST Geneva

    Miniaturization-based advances in electronics on planar and stiff substrates have revolutionized computing and communication during the last half century. However, several emerging applications and interactive systems (e.g., robots, wearables, and future vehicles, etc.) require intelligent sensors and electronics embedded in soft and squishy materials and in flexible form factors. These requirements call for new transformative methods to realize electronics on substrates such as plastic, paper and elastomers. This talk will present some of the recent technologies (e.g., the hybrid integration of the off-the-shelf electronics, printed micro/nanostructures-based CMOS electronics, and ultra-thin chips, etc.) and how they lead to tactile interfaces such as electronic skin for various intelligent interactive systems. Electronic skin is the key enabler for advances in emerging fields such as wearables, touch or haptics based augmented reality systems and healthcare technologies. This talk will discuss these future directions.


    12:30 - 14:00 CEST Geneva
    12:30 - 13:55 CEST Geneva

    Youth of today have a unique perspective on the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it can shape the future. This intergenerational dialogue panel session, in collaboration with ITU’s youth initiative Generation Connect, will bring together participants from different generations, backgrounds and disciplines to bridge the divide between various perspectives on AI. The aim of the session is to foster a better and more inclusive understanding of the current and potential future impact of AI on young people in societies around the world. From discussing the disruption in education and career paths to the ethical implications of its use, this session will explore the considerable promise of the technology for young people as well as its risks.


    12:30-14:00 CEST Geneva
    12:40-13:30 CEST Geneva

    Welcome to the musical world of Sophia, who will perform some of her songs together with Desdemona, Dianne Krouse on saxophone and our special guest Frankie Storm. You will also be taken through the AI music projects Jam Galaxy, the DIANA AI Song Contest, and SophiaPop, presented by Dianne Krouse, Jovanka v. Wilsdorf, and David Hanson.


    12:30 - 14:30 CEST Geneva
    Invitation only
    12:30 - 14:30 CEST Geneva

    Invitation only roundtable with 40 UN agency partners and other stakeholders, including AI ethics, innovation and governance experts, exploring innovative technical solutions and global governance frameworks designed to cultivate responsible use of AI and Robotics.